Whether you’re storing your boat at home or taking advantage of an affordable outdoor option, it’s important to protect it from the elements. However, you’ll have to weigh your options as different types of storage offer differing benefits.

Some of the more popular options include dry stack, wet slips and mooring. Let’s take a closer look at each to find which best suits your needs and budget. Move into your dream space and rely on Boat Storage Skaitook for secure, accessible storage solutions.
Many boat owners have a lot of storage space: lockers, cupboards, and drawers galore, plus spaces underneath seats and sofas. However, much of this space is not as accessible as it could be. Accessibility is key when it comes to boat storage, particularly for safety equipment and tools. Keeping these items within easy reach prevents clutter, makes them more accessible for use, and prevents the risk of loss or theft.
To make the most of your storage space, consider creating a general plan of what goes where. This doesn’t need to be an item-by-item list, but it should offer a rough idea of what types of equipment go in which areas. For example, it is a good idea to keep safety gear close to the helm and engines, while keeping cleaning supplies and cooking utensils in the galley or cabins.
The decluttering process can also be a great time to get rid of anything you don’t need. For instance, if you haven’t used an item in the past year, it is likely not necessary on board. The same goes for things like extra life vests, unused food, or worn clothing.
Once you’ve gotten rid of unnecessary items, it is time to start organizing what is left. The good news is that a lot of the same storage solutions used by RV-ers and Tiny Home owners are perfect for boats as well. Consider putting racks behind doors, using hanging shoe holders creatively, and repurposing old milk crates for storage.
When you’re organizing your boat, it’s also a good idea to take the weather into account. For instance, if you live in an area with high rainfall, it’s a good idea to store your boat in a shed or other protected storage space instead of in the water, as this can help protect it from flood damage, mildew, and mold. Additionally, if you’re storing your boat in a marina or other boat storage facility, a dry storage unit offered on platforms such as Neighbor can be an excellent option to protect your watercraft from natural calamities and even theft.
Optimize Space
Whether you’re a weekend boater or full-time liveaboard, having a clean and organized space is essential for making life on board a breeze. However, boat storage is a lot different than storing items in a home and requires creative solutions to help you maximize space and keep everything easily accessible.
Fortunately, there are many ways to optimize your boat’s storage without spending much money. For example, using collapsible kitchen containers can save space in drawers and galley cabinets, while padded canvas baskets can fit into curved spaces to make more room for tools and supplies.
Another way to save space is by repurposing items you might already have. For example, magazine organizers can be used to store dishes in a galley cabinet, or command strips can be used to hang additional towels in a bath. Another great way to save space is by installing ceiling-mounted racks to secure items like crates, bags, and backpacks. You can also use bungee cords or hammocks to stow items overhead.
A final way to save space is by opting for dual-function furniture. Instead of having a table that serves only as a decorative piece, you can get a coffee table that also provides storage for items like books or snacks. You can also find beds that double as a dresser or tables that fold down into hidden storage underneath.
Storage space on a boat is often limited, especially if you’re a full-time liveaboard, which means that any extra space you can create will be beneficial. For instance, a small wall rack can be used to store dishes and spices in the galley, while a collapsible insulated cooler can hold beverages and food while on the go.
Optimizing your boat storage will not only make it easier to find your belongings and ensure they’re safe from dampness, but it will also improve the overall functionality of your vessel. With these simple tips, you can transform your boat storage into a tidy and practical space to enjoy all the fun that comes with living onboard. Just remember to practice regular decluttering and prioritize the most necessary items onboard.
Remove Frozen Water
A boat left in the water over a long period of time can experience problems due to freezing temperatures. Underwater fittings can fail and the hull itself may blister. For this reason, it’s important that all boats are winterized.
A key step in winterizing a boat is to drain all the water systems and fill them with antifreeze. This includes the bilge, batteries and the keel sump. This ensures that all the water has a place to go when it’s cold and that it won’t freeze in and damage the boat.
Another critical part of winterizing a boat is to clean the interior and exterior thoroughly. Thorough cleaning helps prevent the accumulation of spills, odors and stains that can be difficult to remove in the spring. Additionally, a good cleaning and a coating of rust inhibitor can help keep metal components free from corrosion during storage.
Before you leave the boat, it’s a good idea to clean the cleats, rub rails and hawse pipes to remove any plant growth, barnacles or dirt that has built up over the season. This will also give you an opportunity to inspect the rubber seals for cracking and make sure they are tight.
In the days of wooden boats, it was standard practice to throw rock salt in the bilge to keep the water from freezing. While this isn’t practical in a GRP boat, it’s still a good idea to add a few litres of plumbing antifreeze to the bilge to protect the system from water freezing and damaging the thru-hulls.
One final thing to do before putting the boat away for the season is to check and make sure that all the hatches and ports are closed and locked. It’s also a good idea to add a dehumidifier to the boat’s interior and spray a rust inhibitor on all metal parts of the steering and control cables and hardware to protect them while in storage.
For a truly worry-free winter, it’s a good idea to have a professional service your boat for the season. A good marine service company can drain the bilge, run antifreeze through the battery and the keel sump, and clean out the hull. This can save you a lot of trouble and money in the future.
Hang Equipment
When storing your boat for the winter, you’ll want to hang all equipment from it that won’t be needed on the water. This will allow you to keep all your gear in one place, so that it’s easy to access when you need it. This includes safety gear such as life jackets and throw cushions, as well as items like skis and wakeboards. Use bungee cords or cargo netting to secure your equipment, utilizing vertical space that may otherwise be unused.
If you’re looking to start your own business and open a boat storage facility, be sure to conduct thorough market research to assess the demand and competition for this type of service in your area. This will provide valuable insights into the needs and expectations of local boat owners, so that you can tailor your services to meet these demands effectively.
The first step in preparing your boat for safe storage is to drain it completely and remove all the water from all compartments and surfaces. After doing so, wipe down the interior and exterior of your vessel to avoid mildew and mold. It’s also a good idea to wax the entire surface of your boat before storing it, as this will protect it from corrosion and give it a nice shine. If you don’t have the time or money to do this yourself, many boat storage facilities offer these services.
For boats that will be stored in a garage, it’s important to make sure that the vehicle is protected from the elements, including moisture and pests. A good quality cover will be ideal, as will a tarp and shrink-wrap if you live in a particularly harsh climate. In addition to protecting your boat, it’s a good idea to plug all ports and fill any fluids with antifreeze before storing it.
There are several different types of boat storage available, from indoor facilities to outdoor self-storage parking spots and marina slips. For the best results, it’s a good idea to store your boat at a professionally managed storage facility, as this will ensure that the vehicle is well protected from harsh weather conditions and other environmental factors.